Friday, July 22, 2011

Screw Dieting, think healthy!

Girls, I know how you feel. Your weight is ideal but your still not satisfied, either because you don't look good in leggings cause your thighs are too big and bulky, or because your weight is large on the scale. Stop googling diet and starving yourselves because this will take you nowhere. Always remember, if you lose weight fast you'll gain it back fast, however, if you lose weight slowly, you'll gain it very slowly or never. I also know that you hate exercise or don't have the facilities to do so.
Now i'm going to tell you how to lose weight in a healthy and effective way, and how to enjoy exercising.

Step1- Quit fast food. Its greasy, unhealthy and fattening. Not only will it increase your weight, it will trigger face breakouts, oily hair and oily skin. If you're around fast food, brush your teeth, thats what Jessica Simpson does.

Step2- To eat less, drink a bottle of water before every meal, this will make you full. Paris Hilton swears by this.

Step3- Have fruits for breakfast. This will start your metabolism, thats why never skip breakfast! Theres a diet thats all about having only an apple till 12pm then eating normally for the rest of the day. Its very effective!

Step4- If you hate exercise, dance! If you don't dance, start dancing. All you need is music, and shake it! I recommend Party Rock Anthem-LMFAO. Not only will you be exercising your body, but its also a way of enjoying yourself and improving your memory. Click here to know more about the beneftis of dancing.

If you want slimmer legs and thighs, considers climbing the stairs.
A great was to exercise your whole body, and improve your stamina, is skipping the rope. Katy perry takes her rope with her everywhere.

Step5- if you want to copy Reese Witherspoon: quit mayonnaise, fried food and sandwiches.

Step6- If you want to copy Jessica Alba: quit carbs!

Good luck girls xxx

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